March 9, 2010

“My name is Khan… and I’m not a terrorist…”

Posted in English, Fav. Movie Quotes, Movies Reflections at 10:54 pm by Rou...

“The history of the world is labeled by two designations; B.C. and A.D. There’s a third designation now – 9/11”

A few days ago I finally got the opportunity to watch the amazing “My name is Khan” movie… which is by far, one of the “bestest”, if this word ever exists, I have seen in my whole life… ya3ny if it wasn’t for the few Indian songs that come and go keda throughout the movie, I would have said it is a faultless movie… (Yea, am not an Indian movies fan, and No, I didn’t like Slumdog Millionaire!)


From the very first scene of the movie, you find yourself indulged in its story, you’re taken into a world beyond the one you live in, one you might not actually know yet you can easily relate to it, especially if you happened to have lived in the States or have relatives living there…


Even though the movie is a relatively long one, you hardly ever feel the time… You go with the higher-highs and lower-lows of the characters’ lives, you are in too deep with their happiness, pains, troubles, and tribulations… and every time you feel the movie is going towards perfection, you are taken aback by a twist in their roles when least expected…


The acting is over the top, and can’t but leave you in amazement…“Rizwan Khan”; the main astounding character performed by an exceptional actor who incredibly did charming and heartfelt scenes throughout the movie… The mother’s role, even though quite few scenes, was more than touching… The little boy who performed Khan’s role while young was equally amazing…


“My Name is Khan” is a very strong movie with a clear main message, and several others tucked in… It is a quality movie and is, definitely, a must see…




  1. Teared apart said,

    I’m living the same movie except mine name is I’m a muslim…but i’m not a terrorist.

  2. Rou... said,

    mmmm… Rabena ma3ak….

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